Monday, January 21, 2013

Baby Obsessions

Happy Monday, MLK Day, Inauguration Day, and anything else you may be celebrating today!

But what I'm celebrating?  Being ONE WEEK away from our 20 week anatomy scan for little bitty baby Mathes!  In just a week, we'll hopefully have the reassurance that little squirt is developing as he/she should...AND we'll finally know if baby is a HE or SHE!

Growing up, I always thought I'd want a girl first...100%.  However, now that the time has come, I can say with complete honestly that I am 100% neutral.  I would love to be so blessed to have both genders eventually if it's the Lord's plan, so this first baby gets us started either way. :)  

Either way, I want to share some baby items that I'm just drooling over!

Are they necessary?  I'm not sure.  Could a regular rocking chair suffice?  Maybe.  If money was no object, I'd prefer a glider that looked more like a regular chair.  But let's get real...this is our first baby!  We have we have to keep price in mind since we need to purchase everything.  If we do go with a glider over a rocker, I love this one from Target.

Nursery colors & fabrics
I've pretty much known what we want for a boy since day one.  I love navy and lime green.  I'd want to incorporate chevron, strips, etc.  I'm choosing not to post a picture because I don't want to reveal the actual bedding set I love unless we get it.  However, for a girl, I've had a much harder time deciding what I'd want.  If we have a little girl, I really hope to be able to use this fabric somehow.
I can assure you he or she will have some monograms...both in the nursery and to be worn/used.  Here are some things I'm currently loving from none other than Etsy.

That's it for me today.  For the next week I'll just be obsessing whether baby is a boy or girl.  Do you have any guesses?  Let me know in the comments! :)



  1. I haven't been there yet, but... I was a nanny all through college and even did over nighters. I will say nightly feedings, reading to little one during the night and day and other times, it was SUCH a treat to have a glider in the nursery that you can have that comforting feeling of holding baby in your arms and reading and gliding. Also, the support on your back of sitting up is best as opposed to holding baby on the sofa where you end up slouching. Rockers never seemed to be very comfortable unless they had a ton of padding.

    That style from Target was by far the most popular one I saw. They are super comfortable and glide so nicely.

    My guess?: Girl!

  2. i love all of the monogramd, too! im guessing a boy, but i cant wait to hear either way... you two will be such great parents :)
