Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Farewell, 2012!

Perhaps this post is a bit late, since it's now 2013 today.  
Oh, yea, by the way...

Still, I feel it's necessary to bid proper farewell to 2012...because it was a heck of a year!

And, yes, I know I haven't posted in like 83747937 days.  Sorry.
It's not because I don't have the time...ha.
I have no excuses.
In 2013, I shall try to do better.

So this is ~MY~ 2012...or at least the most memorable moments.

We moved to Atlanta with Brian's job one year ago today.  It was a cold, raining New Year's Day.  Little did I know how much I would love that city.  I never saw myself as one to like "city" life, but I did.  I loved looking out our balcony and seeing sky scrapers...yet still being in the South.  I loved my ah-mazing gym.  I loved the shopping (I should have listed this first), I loved being close to home, I loved the food.  I mean, really...I could go on.
I don't think I realized HOW much I loved Atlanta until we left.  (See July/August)
Peidmont Park
We spent this month pretty much enjoying our new city.  We had visitors and revisited some of our favorite spots as children.

The highlight of March had to be the Hunger Games tour coming to Lenox Square Mall.
My friend Lauren talked me into reading the books, and I was hooked.
I...like most fans...much anticipated the release date of the movie that month!

The biggest highlight of April would have to be my brother's record-breaking college baseball season.  I've watched my brother and his sport since tee-ball, and as someone who never excelled at athletics myself, I always admired his abilities.
He broke some school records at North Georgia College & State University even though he suffered through an injury comeback all season.  I was am one proud sister!

In May we took a trip to St. Louis, Missouri, with our dearest friends.
We love taking couple trips with Adam & Lauren.  Our friendships are easy and natural, we're ourselves, and it doesn't matter what we do...we always have fun.
Lauren planned our trip like a travel agent champ, and we stayed in the perfect hotel downtown and hit all the major sites!

A girl's trip to Nashville, Tennessee, for the Tim McGraw & Kenny Chesney "Boys of Summer" tour was the BEST way to start the summer!  A family vacation to St. Augustine, Florida, didn't hurt either. ;)

We find out we're moving to Lakeland, Florida, come August.  This made July and August a little tough, but we managed to scrape in some fun!  Wedding showers, Bachelorette fun, and my birthday made things a little easier this month!
A birthday Tennis outfit!  (One of mine & Brian's favorite things to do together!)
Birthday shirt from my brother, Blake, since we were moving to Florida. :)

And we officially live in Florida.  However, we were still back and forth to Georgia bit!  My friend Kristen got married, and we had my college roommate and long-time friend Sallie's Bachelorette weekend!

 Downtown Lakeland
St. Pete Beach, FL
Treasure Island Beach, FL

Kristen got married!!

Sallie's Bachelorette weekend

Once again, made the trek back to Georgia for Sallie's wedding!
Then again later that month for Brian's mom's surprise 50th birthday party.  She had no idea we would be there in addition to Brian's brother Kevin who came all the way from Boston!

One of the perks of living half an hour from Orlando?  People come on vacation and it's easy to meet up!  I got to see some sweet friends and former co-workers this month...one who stayed with me in Lakeland, and two more at Disney World.  But the number ONE highlight this month-finding out we're expecting our first child!


We got to see baby Mathes for the first time at our 8 week ultrasound!  And...I'm not the only one having a little baby!  My friend Lauren is also having a baby...due this coming February!  In November I got the pleasure of attending two of her baby showers.  My parents also came down to Florida for Thanksgiving, but no pics of that. :(

Christmas is always my favorite time of year, but this year was extra special.  We announced that we're expecting!  We told close friends and family by Christmas card, and then of course nothing is really happening until it's "Facebook official."  We had a blast sharing our joy with everyone and watching our friends and family get excited too!  We were also able to go home for Christmas.  It was crazy knowing that next Christmas we'll be celebrating with a 6-month-old baby! :)

Our Facebook Announcement:  "Not a mini-moo...but a mini-Mathes coming June 2013!"

The Christmas mantle at my parents' house.

Incredibly sad to be leaving Georgia the day after Christmas.

That's all she wrote, folks!
2013 has a LOT to live up to, hope this year's up to the task!
Some of our dreams are "scheduled" (ha) to come true this year...and we'll become a family instead of just a couple this year!

We should have several spurts of BIG news in the next few weeks to come.
What's the next step for us?
Will baby Mathes be a HE or a SHE?
Stay Tuned!

Wishing you and yours a VERY happy and healthy 2013!
Make it amazing.


  1. yayyy happy to see you blogged again :) love your recap... when do you find out if baby is a he or a she??

    1. Hey, Lori! We find out January 28th! :). It feels so far away!!

  2. Love the idea of doing highlights for each month! Will definitely have to do next year! Your blog is adorable!

  3. I cannot wait to hear if you're going to have a baby boy or baby girl to spoil rotten! Loved your recap!
