Monday, October 3, 2011

Cheeseburger Rollup (Husband's Favorite!)

Cheeseburger Rollup...
It's been so long since I found this recipe that I don't even remember how I stumbled across it (as usual). Now that I have a blog, I've begun to pay more attention to that sort of thing so I can give credit--the type of thing I just didn't think of before. But I will say, some other person came up with this's definitely not my original. ;)

Anyway, this is one of my my husband Brian's absolute favorite meals that I make.  The best part?  It's -so- easy!  It's a win-win situation for us both.

So without further ado...


1 lb. lean ground beef
4 strips bacon, chopped
1 small onion, chopped (I only use 2/3 a small onion)
1 (8 oz.) package Velveeta cheese, cut into cubes
1 (13.8 oz.) package refrigerated pizza crust

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2. Brown ground beef, bacon, and onions together in large skillet. Drain.

3. Once drained, add cubes of Velveeta to skillet mixture and melt. Once melted, remove from heat and let cool for 10 minutes.
Ground beef, chopped bacon, and chopped onion already browned and drained with Velveeta added and melted.
It's cooling.

4. Unroll pizza dough onto baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Press into 15 x 8 rectangle and top with skillet mixture. Roll up, starting with one long side. Rearrange as necessary so that the roll is seam-side down.
I got a bit of a tear in mine, so I had to pinch it and mend it back together! :)
Topping unrolled crust dough with cooled skillet mixture.

Carefully and evenly spreading mixture on dough.

Rolling up from the long side.

Roll seam-side down on lightly-greased baking sheet ready to be backed! Yes, the tear looks bad.
5. Bake 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown.

Finished product!
Inside view

Ok, so it's not the fanciest meal...and it's certainly not pretty, but Brian can seriously eat half of this roll in one sitting!  In fact, I'm pretty sure he did.  :)  Let me know if you make it or plan to make it.  Also, be sure to let me know what the men in your life (or just you) think of it! :)  (But let's face it, this meal has MAN written all over it!)

Share some of your boyfriend's/husband's/father's/brother's/grandpa's favorite recipes with me in the comments section!  I trying to cook up new recipes for my man. :)

Be sure to follow and keep coming back.  (Top right above the "About Me" section.)

Until next time! XOXO


  1. My hubby loves the simplest meal. His favorite is "creamed beef" (browned ground beef with cream of mushroom soup and I add mushrooms to the mix) with mashed potatoes (to which I totally get un-healthy and add butter, sour cream, and a touch of mayo) and baby English peas. Our child loves it too!

  2. Ooooh, that sounds like Brian would LOVE that too! I'll have to try. ;)

  3. Yum!!! I need to try this...I know Michael would love it! (and let's be too) My mom makes this recipe: Taco's similar but more of a taco/mexican taste to it and you use crescent rolls and make a ring out of it. Super simple...but paired with salsa and sour's delish!

    Here it is:
